Breakout Session 6
Gerard Newsome
Strand: All K-12
Room 213 3:00-3:25
Living and Learning In Beta Mode
What does living in beta mode mean? How do we rise to the speed of technology and not just to new and emerging technologies? Is there a ‘slowing down’ to learning that will allow us to take a break and get things in order before proceeding further? Does what we learn or do not learn affect only us or those connected to us? COVID has advanced all learning environments tremendously, and we can no longer afford to stand still in our profession. In this session, we will explore what is needed from the individual to tap into their motivation to learn and share learning in a non-stop transformative world. Participants will walk away with an editable checklist form consisting of steps they can establish and use to measure their self-learning growth process.
Tracy Trumble
Strand: All (K-12)
Room 214 3:00-3:25
ELLs Need Tech Too: Building Vocabulary Through Innovative Tech Integration
Connecting technology and language acquisition can be difficult, but we have some innovative strategies that can help build vocabulary for all English Language Learners. Come check out some cool tech that we have used with REAL students and leave with some excellent strategies and focused activites that really help our English Language Learners acquire new vocabulary.
Ray Girdler
Strand: All K-12
Room 215 3:00-3:25
Some Things Are Meant to be Private
Geolocation technology, artificial intelligence, connected cameras, and surveillance tools are changing the kinds of data schools are collecting. These tools open a plethora of opportunities and efficiencies for schools. At the same time, these tools open the door for housing data that has never been the school's responsibility to collect and protect. Engage your mind as we explore privacy trends and tools to better meet the data privacy demands of today.
Brian Johnson
Strand: All K-12
Room 223 3:00-3:25
How Libraries Support Inquiry-Based Learning
This session will focus on both formal and informal ways school libraries can support inquiry-based learning across the curriculum.
Emily Powel-Carpenter
Strand: All K-12
Room 224 3:00-3:25
Introduction to Arkansas Digital Sandbox
Learn about the features available in Arkansas Digital Sandbox, a video and digital media management solution built specifically for K-12 education by MyVRSpot and provided to you at no cost by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education. Reflect on the ways you’re currently using video and digital media, share what problems you’re trying to solve, and brainstorm ways that you could incorporate Sandbox into your instruction or professional development. New features have been added since it first launched in Arkansas in 2015, and especially in recent years as education has moved more and more online.
Jeff Killingsworth
Strand: Building or District Administration
Room 225 3:00-3:25
My School Info - Explore Public Data for Schools and Districts
My School Info brings multiple data sources together, allowing anyone with online access to search and compare public schools and districts across the state of Arkansas. Come learn how easy it is to navigate the system and discover how to use this wealth of information to make data-driven decisions. Create reports about your school or compare schools and districts in a variety of ways. My School Info was designed to be a powerful system that provides transparency and access to public information – come see it for yourself! No previous experience with My School Info is required, and participants are encouraged to bring a laptop to be able to actively participate in the demonstration.